How to Hack and Crack IDM 2013 Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) is best download manager on the internet but it's not free. IDM is always Paid and Paid softwares is Always Secure and Worthy... Now... I will show you How To Crack IDM by using paches & Modifying the Host File... Today i am going to show How easily you can crack IDM or an Software with Host entry. What is Host file & why it's important ? When you want to connect with internet , computer do first AND operation to find out particular ip is in his own IP -range. through host entry files entry OS understand to open particular website where i need to go. If block particular address in your host file , that website will not open. Location of Host file in Windows: - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc Granting permission for Host file modification in Windows 7 & 8 :- It,s easy in windows xp with administrator account, but in windows 7 & 8 , default administrator account is...